who we are
Where you come from matters.
So does where you're going.
Our Product
Our waffles are the sometimes hard-to-find, but easy-to-love Liège waffles. Each waffle is made to order right in front of the customer, typically in less than a minute. Unlike everyday Belgian waffles made with batter, Liège waffles are made with a rich, thick dough studded with Belgian pearl sugar and pressed freeform in the iron. Liège waffles are thicker and richer, and the pearl sugar caramelizes during cooking giving you a sweet crunch in every bite.
While the waffles are certainly the star of the show, what customers really love is the fact that every waffle is fully customizable from our selection of fresh cut fruits, sweet sauces, and our amazing house made whipped cream! Take a look at our typical menu here.
Our waffles can be enjoyed as breakfast, dessert, or a sweet treat at any time of day! Not feeling so sweet? Each shop also offers savory selections like our bestselling chicken & waffles or our Monte Cristo waffle sandwich.
Lastly, Press Waffle Co always parters with a local roaster in each city to offer the freshest, highest quality beans for hot drip, cold brew, nitro, or espresso coffee selections.
"These waffles... they’re out of this world."
Megan - Houston, TX

Our history

The First Event
March 2016
The Food Truck
August 2016

The First Shop
December 2017
Founders Bryan &
Caleb Lewis

Press Waffle Co. was born out of pure passion for the product. Before there was ever a business, there was a love for waffles. When Founder & President Bryan Lewis was traveling across Europe with his fiance in the summer of 2013, they encountered the Liege waffle for the first time. After eating them all summer long, the couple wanted to share these heavenly treats with everyone at their wedding. Upon returning to Dallas, they could not find them anywhere, nor could their caterer re-create the magic they had experienced abroad.
So Bryan set out to do it on his own. With no culinary background, he tinkered in the kitchen for over a year before he had perfected the recipe. With a desire to share his waffles with everyone he knew (and more!), Press Waffle Co. was born.
When Bryan's brother, Caleb, moved home from college, they began dreaming and planning their business and after a successful Kickstarter Campaign, finally founded Press Waffle Co. as a food truck in 2016.
Press Waffle Co. opened its first permanent storefront in late 2017 and now operates 3 company owned stores, 1 franchised location, and has over 8 stores in development with a strong pipeline for more to come.
YOU are the future of this company. Our franchise partners will help us continue to write this story and grow this brand for years to come.
Find out how to become
part of the story here.
Our culture
We did not start this company because we thought it would make us rich. We started this company to create something that exceeded people's expectations, was enjoyable to operate, and had limitless potential. We put people over profits when faced with hard decisions. We go out of our way to treat our customers well. We operate with integrity, transparency, and honesty. We are always looking for ways to make the company better in every aspect of the business.
We expect every one of our franchisees to operate with the same values we have founded this company with. If you want to lead in a way that has a positive impact on your employees, your customers, and in turn, yourself, then Press Waffle Co. is the right partner to help you accomplish your franchise goals.